Budget 2011

Just a quick post to link you to City administration’s proposed 2011 operating budget, based on previous council’s guidelines set out in the spring.

The way this works is that over the next month or so Council will work from this as a starting point and add, subtract and modify until we’ve exhausted debate, and then we vote on the budget.

There is a public hearing scheduled for 1:30 pm on November 22 at City Hall where individuals can register to speak directly to council to provide input into the process.

Every year the City attempts to present taxes and fees in a fuller context, and some years it’s presented better than others. This year has a really fresh take on page E9 of the Executive Summary document which I’ve excerpted below [click on it to enlarge for easier reading]:

5 thoughts on “Budget 2011

  1. Yes, a very clear presentation with good context.

    One question: is the Public Transit number for ongoing operating expenses or for recent capital expansion? Seems those should be broken out separately somewhere.

    Breaking down a budget is always where confusion comes.

  2. Good blog. I came across this by accident. Given there are only 3 comments to date before me, I wonder if the word is out about this source of information that citizens can access. I get little or no information from you, Mr. Iveson, except during an election in the mail at my house. You may want to communicate this website information to citizens.

    As for property tax increase, I am asking you not to support this.

    Last June I had to find over $300 to pay property taxes . It is beginning to sound like the same for next June. I am a pensioner on a fixed income. My income is not going up 3% or 5%. Take the library funding to keep libraries open on Sundays. I would agree with this proposal if the Libraries are closed on Mondays thus there would be a zero increase in cost.

    Please argue against another property tax hike.

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