ICLEI Day Two: Tidbits
Today was another splendid instance of connections with colleagues. I had an impromptu conversation with a number of young elected officials about possibilities for an ICLEI network of younger members. There will be a formal discussion on this that I’m moderating tomorrow at city hall.

Councillor Ben Henderson of Ward 4 and I twittered our way through the sessions.
I attended a great session on EcoMobility in the morning (more on that tomorrow), and one on cycling cities in the afternoon. I secured media accreditation for Sarah to come and write something for her popular blog, which I’ll link to when she posts.
Looking forward to Pecha Kucha tomorrow night, theme is Ideas Inspiring Sustainability. I hear we’ve sold more than 600 tickets.
Lastly, briefly, a heads up for Thursday evening’s FREE talk from Peter Neuman put on by the University of Alberta’s City Region Studies Centre:
Resilient Cities: Responding to the Crash, Climate Change, and Peak Oil
Thursday, June 18th
Lecture 7:00 pm, Doors open 6:45 pm
Shaw Conference Centre, Salon 4