This is just a small sample of local leaders and individuals supporting Don Iveson. Share your own reasons for supporting Don Iveson on Twitter and Facebook using the hashtag #don4mayor. And spread the word by visiting
Rajan Ahluwalia
Greys Paper Recycling

Don sees things through his own eyes, and feels what I feel. He puts himself in my shoes, and thinks that way. And that’s the biggest thing for an entrepreneur — that he should be supported, he should be recognized; that’s what entrepreneurs require. He’s 34 years old and he already has six years of council experience, and that gives him great credibility. In Don’s case, it’s not a question of give and take; he only gives, and that’s one of his biggest assets I see in him.
Carol Aubee-Girard
Edmonton Literacy Coalition

Don represents the vibrancy of Edmonton. He’s a big-picture thinker, and that’s why I support him. I was part of the Edmonton City of Learners which Don led, and his leadership helped to set a focus around three various issues. Literacy was one of them. Out of the City of Learners initiative came the Edmonton Literacy Coalition. His leadership’s been really instrumental in making that happen.
Paul Bellows
Co-Founder, Yellow Pencil and The Status Bureau

I genuinely like Don Iveson. I like him as an ambassador of our amazing but chronically undiscovered city. I like him because he makes clear, well-articulated decisions and his actions and words are consistent and congruent. I like what he says about this city: he describes a place that my staff want to live and work in, and as an employer this makes me feel confident building my team here in Edmonton. Don has my trust as someone who will work collaboratively to build a place equally appealing to artists, entrepreneurs and enterprise.
Randy Boissonnault
President, Xennex Inc.

Don Iveson has the vision, skills and talent to work with Council to face the challenges ahead of us, and to seize the opportunities that have often eluded our city. Edmontonians are ready for a mayor of his calibre.
Nathan Box
Owner, Elm Café

He believes in building a city that’s great for now, but it’s also going to be great 10 years from now or 20 years from now. He believes in public transit the same way that I value it. He showed genuine personal interest and concern and care for what we were doing, because he believed that it was something different.
Curtis Comeau

Edmonton is exceptional because regardless of age, political connections or financial advantages, it offers to all people who are passionate and talented a real chance to reach the top of their craft. As a mayoral candidate, Don personifies that principle. He is an exceptional communicator and leader. I hope the people of Edmonton allow Don to reach the top of his craft on Monday.
Robert Duke, Q.C.
Miller Thompson LLP

Don, unique among the candidates, has the intelligence, energy and vision to move Edmonton forward over the next four years. I am pleased to endorse his candidacy for Mayor.
Matt Heide
Sculptor and Founder, Concrete Cat Design House

The one constant I can always rely on in life is that things change. Don gives me the distinct impression that he knows change and growth go hand in hand. If we want Edmonton to grow we must also have the ability to embrace and adapt to the chaos that comes along with growth. Don’s youth is his greatest strength, he is still flexible and able to learn and grow. I want a mayor that recognizes the need for flexibility and the importance of being able to embrace change.
David Jones
Vice-president, Pleasantview Community League

In all that he does, Don demonstrates his integrity and leadership abilities. I am always impressed with the depth of his knowledge on any issue facing our city and I know that Don has the vision and solid understanding of our city’s needs to guide us into the future. Don is articulate and passionate about this city; he is a true statesman. I am proud to support his bid to become our next mayor.
Brad Lazarenko
Executive Chef/Director, Culina Restaurant Group

Don Iveson possesses many of the qualities I admire in a person: He’s humble yet well informed, is a keen visionary, doesn’t point fingers and most importantly, has surrounded himself with a great team. These attributes naturally make for a great leader and I am proud to support him.
Geoffrey Lilge
Designer/Manufacturer OnOurTable

Our city needs a leader with a clear, ambitious vision that matches the vast potential that Edmonton holds. Don has that vision.
Poul Mark
Founder & CEO, Transcend Coffee

Don has a clear vision for the city of Edmonton. His passion for Edmonton is contagious and I believe he can assemble a team of talented individuals to ensure his vision becomes a reality. I am confident he will be a mayor who will listen, lead and advocate for our great city.
Bob McNally
Valuations & Litigation Support, MNP

Don continues to impress me with his understanding of key issues that impact Edmontonians, and his ability to identify pragmatic solutions. His solutions and initiatives are designed to embrace the collective needs of all constituents.
Jassi Parmar

Don is an articulate, accountable leader who has a clear vision for our city. He understands what direction our city needs to take to grow in a vibrant yet sustainable way, and I have no doubt in my mind that under his leadership, Edmonton will become a place that citizens take immense pride in, and that visitors want to keep coming back to.
Alex Pringle, Q.C.
Criminal Trial Attorney

I believe this city needs new ideas and new energy. Don Iveson represents a real change. He has the skills and commitment to build a city in which the next generation will want to live and work. This city is ready for that change now, and I am confident Don Iveson can balance the civic interests of youth, families, community and business.
Ravi Ramharak
Chief Information Officer, MSP Corp

After our first meeting, I realized Don had natural leadership traits. His ability to unite city council around one vision is the reason he got my support.
Cameron Schuler
Executive Director, Alberta Innovates Centre for Machine Learning

I am supporting Don because his vision for Edmonton defines the city I want to live in.
Gene Smith
President, nForm User Experience

As a business owner and entrepreneur, I think Don has the vision and leadership skills to build a vibrant city where small businesses thrive. He has great ideas built on a solid understanding of Edmonton’s strengths and opportunities. That’s why I support him.
Brandon Webber
Organizer, Creative Mornings Edmonton

More important than a leader who can merely manage what Edmonton is now, is a leader who can empower a greater vision of what Edmonton can be. We are in need of that type of leadership: someone willing to work within council, city administration and the communities at large to build what is best for Edmontonians. This means not being satisfied with status-quo or even keeping pace; it’s more in asking the tough questions, fighting for intelligent investment and inviting Edmontonians to participate. That is what I believe Don Iveson can do, and that is why I am voting for him.
Cory Wosnack
Principal, Avison Young

Without a doubt, Edmonton is on the verge of witnessing incredible progress in a variety of definitions. Don Iveson has the most talent to enable Edmontonians to effectively capitalize on our strengths and to raise the value, the stature and the quality of life for our city.
Stanley Milner
Former City of Edmonton Alderman

We are fortunate in this election to have several excellent candidates, but as in all elections you have to choose one. My choice is Don Iveson. He has the background and experience to be Mayor of the City of Edmonton. His integrity is beyond question and he has indicated that he will be open with the public with full disclosure on any projects.
Doug Goss
Community Leader

This is an important time for our City and our Province to move forward and build on the tremendous momentum that can take our City to the next level. Don Iveson is the candidate with the skill, vision and leadership qualities that will ensure our City makes the most of the opportunities that are in front of us.
Marie Gordon
Legal Counsel, Gordon Zwaenelpoel Barristers & Solicitors

Don’s vision is a truly forward-thinking one. He is uniquely able to inspire the next generation of Edmontonians who will shape the future of our urban environment. He brings a fresh set of skills to the task, and a strong commitment to many of the issues that are important to me: urban design, arts and culture, environmental sustainability, and social as well as physical infrastructure.
John Day
Edmonton Businessman

Don could bring a real vitality to the office of Mayor. I think that he has the ability to inspire people which is critical to a mayor who needs the support of others to be effective. In terms of experience, Don has it where it really matters. He has demonstrated time and time again that he understands the city issues that come before Council. Don believes in a healthy and dynamic downtown and business sector, which are key to our future. Edmonton is a smart city and Don exemplifies that.
Eric Young, QC
Partner, Witten LLP

Edmonton needs a new generation of leaders that have energy, vitality and vision. Don represents this generation. He understands that the most important thing council has to do is make Edmonton a great place to live and work. This is why I want Don Iveson as Mayor.
Anne Will Matthews
President and founder of Healthy House Inc.

As a councillor, Don has demonstrated strong community governance and administration for the city. He’s shown a high level of both support and active participation for innovation that will enhance the city and its reputation nationally and abroad.
Marc de la Bruyère
Chairman at Maclab Enterprises and Viewtrak Technologies

Don Iveson is the best person to be Edmonton’s next mayor. He has great experience as an innovator, city councillor and as a proven leader in the capital region; with that, he brings to the table dynamism, intelligence, a positive outlook, vision and unimpeachable integrity.
Michael Phair
Former City Councillor

Effective leadership, respect for local communities and listening to Edmontonians — this is why for Mayor I am voting for Don Iveson.
Janice Melnychuk
Former city councillor & school board trustee

I have seen Don do concrete things such as fix problems for people in communities and also put forth big ideas and make strides in achieving them for our city. Don is a hard-working and visionary person and he is my choice to be the next mayor.
Chris LaBossiere
Co-founder of Yardstick Software, Co-chair of Make Something Edmonton

Don has proven his ability to work with council and he knows that this is the lead role of a team of governors. Don will build consensus around the best idea, even if it’s not his own.
David Gibbens
Past President, Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues

I support Don Iveson because of his vision for our city. I’ve also worked with him on several issues, and found he is a thoughtful listener and an excellent communicator. It’s this ability to communicate that will lead to a strong city council and a strong capital region — prerequisites for a thriving, inclusive city for this generation and the next.
Tegan Martin-Drysdale
Real Estate and Development Entrepreneur

I have had the privilege to work with Don over these past few years through my involvement with Edmonton’s NextGen Committee, and have seen him in action countless times in City Council and community stakeholder meetings. Don has this incredible ability to peel away the layers of a complex issue and get to root causes. He can tackle an issue with clarity and identify what needs to be done to move things forward in the right direction. He knows how to get things done, and is always thinking about what is best for the city as a whole.
Dominic Mishio
Alderman, City of Leduc

It’s been an absolute pleasure to serve on the Capital Region Board Regional Transit Committee with Don for the past four years, two as his vice-chair. Don is exactly what the Region needs: a person who can cut through the politics and lead with a strong vision and focus on the people who will be riding transit today and into the future. Don’s leadership style is one where consensus is key.
Asha Gidwaney

Don is articulate and energetic. He is also tremendously passionate, smart and hardworking. He has had experience and proven himself in Council. He is the voice of today and the youth movement is behind him. Our city needs fresh ideas to make it more vibrant and economically functional. Don has that vision for our city that embraces the future.
Bruce Johnson
Co-Founder & Former CEO, Intuit Canada

Don gets technology, innovation and entrepreneurship and will lead the city to find new and better ways of doing things so we can afford the improvements in infrastructure we all want — without simply raising taxes.
Kendall Barber
Co-founder, Poppy Barley

Don has really supported different initiatives here in the city that have led it to being more of an equal playing-field as an entrepreneur — that you look at Edmonton and you think, “This is a city where I can start something, and keep my company here and grow.”
Dana DiTomaso
CEO of Kick Point

Don’s most important quality is that he genuinely listens and considers multiple viewpoints and perspectives. When you speak to him, you have his entire attention. He’ll ask, “How would you solve this?” He’s always trying to find the best solution — not just for those who voted for him, but for all of Edmonton. That’s what Edmonton needs to carry us forward and that’s what a leader does. Don Iveson is that leader.
Garner Beggs
Co-owner, Duchess Bake Shop

I believe Don Iveson has the best vision for the city and area. He has shown time and again while a councillor that he understands the deeper issues of living and working in an urban environment. He understands the fiscal issues, both current and future, that Edmonton faces. He understands the critical role that small independent business plays in creating the cultural fabric of a city. Edmonton needs a leader that is prepared to take the city into the future and who is not satisfied with the status quo, and I believe that Don Iveson is that leader.
John Pinsent
Chartered Account, angel investor, tech community builder

Building a strong community takes a collaborative leader. I think Don is the kind of collaborative leader that this City needs — now and in the future!
Shane Turgeon
Co-Founder, Edmonton Comic and Entertainment Expo

Don doesn’t just have goals and plans for the short-term to make Edmonton a better city; he’s also looking to implement processes that will make our city a city of the future. It’s time to look at new ways of doing things and Don has the right vision to make Edmonton a bright place.
Jason Ding, CA
CFO, Intelligent Imaging Systems, Inc.

What impresses me most about Don is his ability to truly live and demonstrate his values through his actions. I appreciate his balanced views towards growing businesses, strong communities and a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.
Colleen Brown
Singer, songwriter, musician

Don takes the time to find out what is really going on in Edmonton. He has a vision for our city but it’s not just about how he personally thinks it should take shape; it’s a reflection of the values of its residents as a whole. He knows how to talk to people (not at them), he’s a consensus-builder, and he’s genuinely enthusiastic about creating positive change for people in our city — now and in the future.
Chris Craddock
Artistic Director at Azimuth Theatre

Edmonton is ready to change in a way few cities do. So it is crucial that Edmonton have a mayor of vision, who can create consensus and make sure this period of development makes the most of Edmonton’s unique character. We need to arrest sprawl and shore up infrastructure in innovative ways. Don Iveson is the man for the job.
Owen Brierley
Executive Director, Guru Digital Arts College

Don represents the forward-thinking vision that this city needs. He’s always looking ahead to where the city will be and is laying the groundwork to support a long-term, sustainable vision of Edmonton. Don has my vote because he authentically wants to keep Edmonton growing.
Michael Janz
Vice-chair and Trustee, Edmonton Public School Board

Don is ready to lead. He has the consensus-building skills to mentor new councillors and bring together divergent opinions to achieve what’s best for our city, our region, and our province. He is authentic, pragmatic, and will take good ideas and turn them into reality. I trust him with the keys to the city.
Harpreet Singh Gill
Punjabi Community Organizer/Activist

Don has a balanced approach for our city’s future development. While he makes sure that we build infrastructure to keep pace with the rest of the developed world, he also makes sure that there isn’t any extra burden on the taxpayer. Don is a genuine, honest, and a capable leader, who will make an excellent mayor.
Miranda Jimmy
Aboriginal community member

Don always has the community’s interest at heart in all the decisions he makes. I have seen him in action on City Council, on the City of Learners Initiative, on the Library Board, and interacting one-on-one with Edmontonians. In every instance, Don allows people he meets to educate him on the issues and needs of the community. He genuinely cares about making sure our City government is meeting the needs of its citizens by ensuring that consultation, collaboration, and engagement are the basis for the decision-making process.
Tai Ziola

I am supporting Don Iveson for Mayor because he is the only candidate who sees the issue of urban form as crucial to Edmonton’s future success. So many of the issues we face relate directly to how we are choosing to plan and build our city — school closures, decline of older neighbourhoods, school overcrowding in new neighbourhoods, loss of prime farmland to residential development, challenges funding LRT expansion, need for diverse infill development at the city centre airport, the quarters, Fort Road and downtown, and yes, even potholes — as we struggle to maintain an ever-expanding amount of infrastructure.
Tad Hargrave
Co-founder of

Don will be a mayor who’s got a positive vision of where Edmonton could go. He not only knows that Edmonton can be anything we want it to be, but he has clear plans to make that happen. Don values industry, smart growth, public transit, sustainability, local business, local farmers and the arts. And he’s the only candidate who does.
Joey Hundert
Founder & CEO of Sustainitech

Don Iveson is the only candidate who inspires my confidence; he is a true statesman. He has the intellectual horsepower, relationship-strengthening-ability and fiscal responsibility of a truly remarkable leader. Don gives me the confidence to keep my companies thriving in Edmonton.
Erick Ambtman
Non-profit executive

Don is the right person to lead Edmonton right now because we need someone with a strong vision for Edmonton’s future. We also need a consensus builder because being Mayor is about getting councillors to agree on a common vision and common direction. You cannot be an effective leader when no one wants to follow you. I think Don is the leader we need with the skills to ensure the new council picks up where the last one left off.
Salima Ebrahim
Manager at Deloitte

I’m a strong believer that a city can only reach its true potential if everyone benefits, and I believe Don is the right person to lead Edmonton right now. He has a vision of the social infrastructure that is required to ensure all Edmontonians — new, old, recently arrived — succeed. He has the passion and dedication to ensure that the vision becomes a reality.