Tag: media


Literally, I find myself running between engagements. But I did have time this morning to read Todd Babiak’s kind words in “Meet your municipal candidates online” [link]. At https://doniveson.ca, there are four videos, linked to YouTube, explaining policies on city planning, affordable housing, public transit and community consultation. He finishes each short speech with the… Read More

More Ink, Sort Of

It’s not quite ink, in the sense that it’s not in the paper, but we’ve been noticed again—this time by Edmonton Journal city hall reporter Susan Ruttan on her blog [link]: One of the slickest campaigns in this election is that of Don Iveson, a 28-year-old who until recently worked for the University of Alberta… Read More


It has been, unsurprisingly, an utter whirlwind these past few days. I have a moment to catch my breath this morning but not for long. Nomination day at city hall is everything I was told: eclectic, loud, schmoozy, and altogether fun. It was nice to run into a number of the councillors who I’ve worked… Read More


I was pleased to read a piece in Tuesday’s Gateway (the student newspaper at the U of A) indicating in the headline that “Initial U-pass reactions primarily positive” [link]. I’m not surprised given the strong endorsement undergraduates and graduate students gave the program in referenda held earlier this year, and further given the number of… Read More

On Two Wheels

See Magazine has been profiling municipal candidates for the last few weeks and, as some of you may have seen, I was the subject of this week’s rundown. The on-line version [link] unfortunately does not show the humourous caricature of me on a bike that ran with the article. My only complaint was that I… Read More