Tag: Transit

Budget 2009 Impacts

Council debated some significant revisions to the 2009 budget yesterday, which we needed to deal with before we establish the tax mill rates later this month. City revenues are down about $30 million because of slower building activity (resulting in lower permit fee revenue) and low interest rates on the cash we have in the bank.

Forum + Jr. Edmontonians

Today was a splendid day. It started out with a trip out to Earl Buxton elementary in Riverbend to visit a pair of grade six classes. Among the numerous school visits I’ve made during the campaign I’ve enjoyed the grade six visits most as they offer the hardest questions—perhaps because they study municipal elections and… Read More


I was pleased to read a piece in Tuesday’s Gateway (the student newspaper at the U of A) indicating in the headline that “Initial U-pass reactions primarily positive” [link]. I’m not surprised given the strong endorsement undergraduates and graduate students gave the program in referenda held earlier this year, and further given the number of… Read More