Tag: Airport

ECCA Phased Closure Stands

Plain and simple, the petition had two problems: not enough valid signatures, and it came in too late. The petition reports are here. The petition did not get the 78,244 valid signatures required by provincial law to force a binding plebiscite. I put no stock in the conspiracy theories concerning the petition verification process – the… Read More

City Centre Airport: Leaning Toward Closure

I believe the risks to Medevac patient outcomes and business relationships from eventual closure are low. Intensification of the airport land into a transit-oriented green community for tens of thousands, the end of the height-limiting Airport Protection Overlay over Downtown, plus the unique opportunity to facilitate NAIT expansion combine into a strong case for seizing a once-in-a-generation opportunity for city building.

State of the City

Mayor Mandel presented his annual state of the city address to a packed house at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon at the the Shaw Conference Centre. The text of his remarks is posted here. [UPDATE: video has been posted here.] Some of the highlights from my point of view included: The next generation puts a huge… Read More