Tag: budget

Budget Forecast: 2011

The following ran in last week’s Edmonton Examiner as part of our monthly ‘Councillor Connection’ column. It is reproduced here for reference. Last week Council established 2011 budget guidelines for City Administration to work towards. As with last year, Council set a target for an overall tax increase of 5% for 2011. I recognize that… Read More

Scona Pool Inquiry

Councillor Anderson and I submitted a formal Administrative Inquiry this morning on the issues affecting the future of the pool as well as the proper process for dealing with a decision of this nature. We should receive it back to Council’s Community Services Committee in a few weeks. The text is as follows: Inquiry: Future… Read More

Budget 2009 Impacts

Council debated some significant revisions to the 2009 budget yesterday, which we needed to deal with before we establish the tax mill rates later this month. City revenues are down about $30 million because of slower building activity (resulting in lower permit fee revenue) and low interest rates on the cash we have in the bank.