Tag: Mayor Don Iveson

Building an uplifting city

I never expected my final State of the City to be delivered in an empty ballroom, without the energy of a crowd of Edmontonians. Like many of you attending weddings and graduation ceremonies virtually, my address was also a safe, virtual experience. And like you, I miss the people and the crowds and the joy… Read More

Young Edmontonians have their say on ending homelessness in Edmonton

Hearing from constituents is the best part of my job, and I particularly love hearing from our youngest Edmontonians, who often make policy and its impacts on our lives feel tangible through their unique perspectives and insights. Case in point: scroll down to read through messages from City Hall School students who have shared their… Read More

A community tested, a hopeful future:

A look back at 2020 and what we have to look forward to in 2021 As the holidays near and we welcome in 2021, I wanted to take a few minutes to reflect on this past year and on the year ahead. 2020 has not been easy: it’s been a year that saw tremendous hardship… Read More

Getting to 0%: City Council passed a property tax freeze

City Council and administration have worked together to achieve a 0% tax levy (a property tax freeze) for the first time in two decades. This was a difficult budget — as is the case with many Edmontonians and businesses in our city, this year has been hard financially on the city. That being said, we… Read More