Final thoughts on the Election

• rally-crowd-small

While exploring the idea of a run for mayor, I made presentations to business groups, arts organizations, clubs, gatherings of social leaders, community leaders — really any group of Edmontonians who might listen.

The first slide of my presentation asked a simple question: “Why Edmonton?”

The presentation explained why Sarah and I choose to raise our family here, out of all the choices we had in Canada.

Edmonton has an extraordinary education system from kindergarten to the PhD in nanotechnology. The arts scene is fantastic, unpretentious and accessible. Housing is still relatively affordable, at least relative to other Canadian cities. The river valley, sports and recreation, the romance of the dark seasons and the vibrancy of the bright ones compelled us to stay and build our family here. How could you leave this behind? Most of all, our economy and our business culture are open and inviting. Our iconic businesses, arts organizations, and social ventures have shown us that we can start anything, in Edmonton, and take it to out into the world. In Edmonton, if we build it together we build it strong. It endures. That’s the quintessential quality of this city.

We all feel this, but it wasn’t until I began making these presentations that it became clear, both to me and to others in the room, that we have to articulate it better. This isn’t just marketing. Making decisions based on who we are at our best can be our strategic advantage. It’s how we can solve our problems. A city with confidence, a city that knows what makes it special, can make the right decisions together — can build together.

Canada, Edmonton. Oct/12/2013. Dim Sum walkabout.

We’re competing with hundreds of mid-sized cities for investment, for talented people, for new businesses and events and technological innovation. Too often we’ve been beaten.

We can all feel it: this election can be the moment where Edmonton turns. This can be where we begin to show people they were wrong to underestimate Edmonton.

This isn’t my Edmonton. It’s yours. My strategy has been simple: I’ve listened to you for six years on council and during this campaign: businesspeople, artists, new immigrants, aboriginal Edmontonians, seniors, students, those of you who are struggling and those of you who have built icons and institutions in this city. We’ve developed policies and plans so you — Edmontonians — have the tools, the encouragement, the vision, the story and the framework to create something extraordinary on the banks of the North Saskatchewan.

Yes, we always must ensure fiscal prudence, but it is a time for boldness.

Why Edmonton? I feel, over the last several months, we have tried most of all to answer that question together. It was the heart of our campaign. Our platform is your distilled ambitions for your city.

Another question, then: Why Don Iveson?

Canada, Edmonton. Oct/01/2013. First Mayoral Candidates Forum at Harry Ainlay.

My record on council is clear. I have tried, as honestly and as sincerely and as devotedly as I could, to reflect the city of your ambitions back at you. Everything they say about me being a policy wonk is true: the initiatives I will lead, as your mayor, will be the best ones for our city not because I think so, but because we have worked together to develop them. Helping you build the Edmonton you want, and telling the world about our work in a compelling and powerful way, is my grandest ambition.

I want the same things you do, and I want to devote the next four (or more, at the pleasure of Edmontonians) years of my life to bring them to reality.

That is why I am submitting myself for your consideration and why I am asking, formally, for your vote.

Thank you for listening, thank you for your feedback and thank you for participating in this process. It has been an extraordinary way to experience Edmonton and its people.

Now get out there and vote. Don’t tell your friends: bring them.

16 thoughts on “Final thoughts on the Election

  1. You have really maintained integrity during your terms as councillor and through this campaign staying the course on your vision for Edmonton as was evident when you said “lets not get distracted by what we can’t do, but rather concentrate on what we can do.” I trust you, and that more than anything is why I will be voting for you…

  2. With Don, it’s always so thoughtful, researched and aspirational. He campaigned by arguing for a better Edmonton, where we are not underestimated, instead of against other candidates.

    Don is the best you can hope for, for this city in transition. Join me and vote for Don.

  3. Don,

    Final thoughts on final thoughts? I will be voting for you tomorrow not because we have always agreed but because you have been reasoned when we have not and remained respectful when we have not. At the end of the day it is apparent that we both love the city we have chosen to live in and we both share a vision of how special a city it can be as long as we all work on building it, not simply managing it or criticizing it. Best wishes to you and your family regardless of what Tuesday morning brings.


  4. Don,

    I joined as a volunteer in the summer and my support for you is stronger than ever. I have been proud to be part of your team. I remember sitting in a volunteer training session where you spoke about wanting to run a positive campaign. You can be very proud of your campaign and your team.

    It’s up to us now to elect you as the Mayor this city needs!


  5. Dear Don and Sarah
    Wish you all the best for tomorrow. Don you will make a great Mayor for Edmonton.
    I am so excited for You. My vote has gone to you always. You are honest, dynamic,
    and so gracious. I have known you since school days with Veer. God Bless and my prayers are with you always. The citizens of Edmonton will be very blessed to have You as the Mayor of Edmonton. The Best Mayor Don Iveson for the Best City Edmonton.

  6. I want this City to go the right way on sprawl.

    I want the federal and provincial aspects of Edmonton to come together for the City.

    I want the Capital Region to pull together and compete globally.

    So I support Don Iveson.

  7. Don, you will be a great mayor to take this great city forward to the next level. Proud to be an Edmontonian, and proud to support you on this journey. You can be proud of your campaign and your whole team. Good luck!

  8. Don,

    As I’ve said before, I’ve admired your work and passion on council for the past two terms, and have eagerly anticipated a mayoral campaign from you where that passion can shine. It has been encouraging to see the positive and informative campaign you have run reach across all age, gender, race and political spectrums to inspire Edmontonians alike. ‘Politics in complete sentences’, even if we disagree, over catch-phrases and potshots is what we as a young, growing and dynamic city really want and really need.

    My wife and I made a decision to move back to Edmonton a year ago after a number of years abroad because we saw this same opportunity to grow our careers and our family in one of the best places possible to do so. The most under-estimated city in Canada? Absolutely.

    I’m proud to be called an Edmontonian again, and I’ll be proud to call you Mayor.

    – Dave

  9. Road Maintenance Plan:
    Poor As PotHoles Reveal…
    Caused By Careless Drivers:…
    Speed Limit,…
    Ignoring Road Load Design Capacity Limit…

  10. Please get rid of photo radar. Its an invasion of privacy. Employ pilice officers instead. I promise you will be a hit with the people.

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