Tag: Environment

Climate change is a threat we must address head-on

Today the City of Edmonton released an update on our Energy Transition Strategy which highlights preliminary findings made in response to City Council’s approval of the Edmonton Declaration in 2018. The Declaration committed mayors from around the world to recognize the immediate threat of climate change and consider our actions through a lens that would… Read More

The Way We Green

Earlier today I helped launch the City’s next big planning exercise, namely the new environmental strategic plan dubbed ‘The Way We Green‘. It’s picking up after the 2006 Environmental Strategic Plan, which was good but more internally focused on the city and not very high-profile. The project is building on the widespread consultations in 2008… Read More

EcoMobility in Edmonton: ICLEI Day Three

More than 30 delegates from around the globe assembled to take the LRT south to our newest station at South Campus for a field trip to see the Local Motion EcoMobility pilot project in Parkallen. By the way, EcoMobility means encouraging walking, wheeling, cycling and transit. The city is partnering with Transport Canada and the Global… Read More

Green Festivals

Council’s Executive Committee, which I sit on, received a report outlining a strategy for reducing the environmental footprint of festivals and major events held on city lands, which arose from a formal inquiry I initiated last year after discussing some of the possibilities in this regard with festival and event organizers. I’m very pleased that… Read More